Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Eruzione del Vesuvio del

The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD and the end of Pompeii and Herculaneum

The Vesuvius is the only active volcano in mainland Europe. Its height varies depending on the phases of construction and destruction, but still higher than 1,200 meters and is situated within a caldera of about four kilometers in diameter. caldera is what remains of the great eruption of 79 AD (after Christ ) : one of the largest and most spectacular eruptions of the volcano and one of the first to be documented. 's report was made ​​by Pliny the Elder in the first place and by his nephew , Pliny the Younger through a series of letters to Tacitus . Pliny the Elder described as well the phenomenon that still today the term Plinian is used in volcanology. This term, in fact, has also been associated with previous eruptions this: Codola (25,000 years ago), Sarno-Pomici, basic (17,000 years ago), Pomici greenish ( 15,500 years ago), Market or Pomici Ottaviano (7900 years ago) and Pomici of Avellino (dated between 1880 and 1680 BC). instead are considered subpliniane eruptions that occurred after that date, powerful, at least half of that occurred in Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 AD, a volcanic catastrophe characterized by earthquakes, hot clouds and toxic, tsunami and earthquake swarms.

The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, a tragedy waiting to happen

The eruption of '79 was activated after giving the prodromal signs quite evident. 
During the ten / fifteen years leading up to the tragedy, the surrounding area was hit by several earthquakes and earthquake swarms. A natural phenomenon is irrelevant to the population at the time, used to tremors and convulsions of the earth. However, no one would think of an eruption of the volcano. photo: a painting that represents the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD So much so that the slopes of Vesuvius were completely different from what we see today. The reliefs were covered with lush vegetation and the cultivation of olive trees and grapevines climbed nearly to the top. Strabo, in fact, describes the mountain:  "Hercolaneum is located between Pompeii and Vesuvius, beautifully cultivated all around except for the top esplanade ... mostly ... totally sterile as a field of ashes, and presents caverns of rocks, like potholes, sooty color as if they were corroded by the fire. Hence we can rightly conclude that the mountain in a first time burned and had a active crater that then it was off when the igneous material is exhausted. Perhaps this is the cause of the fertility of the surrounding land, as the ash decomposed Etna in Catania ... ". First real blow the inhabitants of the area in 62 AD when it suffered a massive earthquake devastated the entire area near the volcano. The episode is known because it happened just as the Emperor Nero was engaged to sing at a theater in Naples . The mountain shook violently and a large number of houses were razed to the ground by the earthquake. photo: painted works that illustrate the eruption of Vesuvius are lots of the subsequent period of tranquility, however, favored the reconstruction of collapsed buildings and the life filming to scroll through orderly and quiet in the land that now fit in structured imperial system could be considered protected from any external threat. then between 20 and 24 August 79 increasing frequency of earthquakes struck the area bell incessantly. In Pompeii dried up water sources Somebody ran away, but most of the people did not let himself be influenced by shock and continued to prosper in the Domus and patrician villas in the surrounding area. was a mistake.

The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, what happened in Pompeii and Herculaneum

Vesuvius awoke at nine in the morning of 24 August, however, the eruption itself started only around one in the afternoon. Inside the volcano opened a duct caused by a series of explosions due to the sudden transformation into gas water coming in contact with the rising magma. Following a column of gas, ash, pumice and pyroclastic fragments lifted for about 15-20 km above the volcano and created a cloud feature that darkened the sun. Pliny described it from Misenum , at a distance of 21 km from the volcano , and was able to observe the eruption column throughout its development. Depicted by pointing to the shape of a pine tree, with the smoke that was dissolved on its own weight. The writer noted that the column was sometimes white, sometimes instead was dirty and stained, depending on who had raised himself with earth or ashes. photo: Pompeii and Herculaneum fell off, a hellish rain bringer of death fell from the column Plinian pumice towards Pompeii , where in a short time accumulated to form a layer about 4 feet high that buried the entire city. now, while falling pumice, someone left in a hurry the city, others completely unaware of what was happening, hid in cellars and in the most sheltered. They died unaware, in the shadows created by the cloud that had obscured the sun in the hours following suffocated from heat and toxic gases when the first big flow reached the city. Upon Ercolano , however, the situation was quite different: up at eight o'clock the next morning rained only a thin ash and although there were frequent earthquakes, the city was spared for many hours of the disaster. Now, the locals have had plenty of time to save themselves if only they had imagined what would happen in the next few hours, however, in the night, rather than leave the area, taking advantage of a break akin eruptive activity, many people did return to their houses that had been left unattended. And that cost him dearly. After eight o'clock in the morning of 25 August, in fact, volcanic activity resumed with the formation of the column button, where they alternated emission of ash flows and pyroclastic surge . Both pyroclastic flows both surge develop when the magma flow, reaching the crater, rises to become too abundant to form an eruption column capable of rising above the volcano. The collapse of a column dense and heavy, which can also affect only its outer zones, conveys the gas mixture and fragments of solidified magma and rocks downwards. Are formed in this way flows of volcanic material flowing down to the ground and fast along the flanks of the volcano. Passing over the city of this flow was disastrous. Thick walls and entire walls perpendicular to its path were overthrown in equity, as were swept away the roofs and the last floors that still held up. The volcanic material swirled with a speed of about 100 mph, dragging a large quantity of crushed stone, plaster, beams and roof of the buildings destroyed. His fury burst out from those who still resisted the shelter of the most isolated refuges. And after this flow, the whole area around Vesuvius became like a desert gray. photo: who remained in the areas affected by the volcano came to an inglorious end ... But there's more. tsunami waves caused by magmatic material in the finished sea ​​overwhelm the few survivors fell on the beaches in search of safety. But the boats anchored in the harbor are on fire and the sea water boils. 's the last phase of the disaster. flows ending at around 10.30 on 25 August and the water from underground poured on the rocks heated by magma , causing a succession of violent explosions that shake the volcano for some time. At nightfall of the second day, the eruptive activity began to decline rapidly until they ceased altogether. eruption had lasted little more than 25 hours , during which the volcano had expelled nearly one billion cubic meters of material.

The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, the consequences

The dead were in total over two thousand and Vesuvius was underwent a radical change. 
Its summit was no longer flat, but had acquired a conical shape, which ascended from the top of a dense vapor. This cone, determined by the strong push of erupted material, literally smashed the previous crater for about three quarters of its circumference. photo: Mount Vesuvius to the present day , however, there was a great interest of the vertices of the empire. relief to people affected is In moved troops, ships and political officials. empire were made ​​provisions for substantial financial resources for reconstruction. The survivors of the affected populations, little by little, they returned to the scene of the disaster, but what turned up in their eyes was certainly an impressive sight: ashes turned to mud from the rains, collapsed houses, destroyed temples and the sign of the welfare of a region buried by volcanic material. now, the efficiency and organization Romana allowed to recover in most of the affected areas. However, throughout the region, was subject to a general process of degradation. It took decades before the emperor Hadrian could turn the area to its former glory.


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